Saturday, June 11, 2011

1.7 Edo Shakuhachi

horizontal 34mm O.D., 20mm I.D.
vertical 30mm O.D., 21mm I.D.

close-filed root
horizontal 46mm O.D., 19mm I.D.
vertical 40mm O.D., 19 mm I.D.

undercut holes are 10mm long by 9mm wide

length 51 cm.

The average height of an Edo (1603–1867) period Japanese man was 5 feet tall.

Interesting hanko: the pilgrim's water gourd.

The hanko could also be the shape of the sitting Buddha.

 Whatever the reason, the average height of the Japanese increased gradually over the space of 10,000 years up to the sixth century, but then it strangely began to decrease again. The average height of people in the Edo Period (1603–1867) was 156 centimeters for men, and 145 centimeters for women, about the same as for the people of the middle Jomon. What on earth could have caused this?
Population density was the most likely culprit: Once people began farming in earnest, the population increased dramatically. Particularly from Japan's medieval period onwards, people began to gather in cities, and as suitable new land for farming became scarce, food shortages emerged. Sanitary conditions also deteriorated, and the physique of the populace suffered as a result.