Sunday, November 13, 2011

Old Meiji 1.9 Gold Root Shakuhachi

When I saw this distinctive flute on Jeff Cairn's beautifully designed Windwheel website, I recommemended it to my student Ken. It turned out to be a very nice instrument well-suited for the Taizan-ha repetoire.

A photo of the Meiji gold root 1.9 C# alongside my main 1.85 wide bore C# shakuhachi, coincidentally bought from the same Ebay seller in Japan who sold the Edo instrument that Perry photographed below alongside the gold root. Small world, shakuhachi.

Ken travelled to New York to meet with Perry Yung, and commissioned Perry to repair some slight cracks to the exterior of the instrument. 

Perry shot these photos of the gold root 1.9 alongside a Seikado modern shakuhachi and an older Edo 1.8 in the shop at the same time for an utaguchi repair.

Ken enjoying the sound of my Edo period 1.7 shakuhachi.